Safe Storage Of Pool Chemicals

Pool chemicals are one of the harder parts to owning a pool. They need to be used correctly and stored properly in order to avoid any accidents. We’ve come up with a list of safety check for your chemical storage this summer. Check out this list and keep your whole family safe around your chemical storage area.

  • Keep Out Of Reach Of Children And Pets – This is probably the number one rule about keeping pool chemicals. There are a number of chemical burns and accidents each year when kids or pets get into pool chemicals and can leave bad injuries. Avoid this and keep your chemicals in a locked cabinet somewhere, out of reach.
  • Keep Chemicals In The Original Containers -There is a reason that the chemical you bought came in the container it did. Some chemicals react with plastic, some react with air. It’s important to not try to dump chemicals into another container to save on space or anything else. Don’t replace the lid, don’t mess with the container, and don’t use plastic wrap to cover your containers. Just leave them as you got them.
  • Don’t Store Chemicals Next To Each Other – Store your chemicals separately. If you should happen to spill any on the bottle as you are using it, and then you put it back into the cabinet next to another chemical, you could witness a violent reaction in your cabinet. Pool chemicals come in strong concentrations because they have to go in thousands of gallons of water that automatically dilute them. But while they are in the container on the shelf, they are very strong.
  • ALWAYS Read The Directions – Never add water to your chemicals, always add your chemicals to the water. Read all the safety instructions on the container before adding the chemical to your pool. You’ll want to know everything about what you are putting in your pool and how to handle it safely.
  • Don’t Mix Chemicals – Never mix two chemicals together. Always read the instructions on the canister to find out how to correctly add the chemicals to your pool. Some have to be added first and then time has to elapse before you add any more chemicals. Some have to be added together in order to function properly. Be sure you know what you are doing before you do it.
  • Use Safety Equipment – When handling the chemicals, always use the appropriate safety equipment. Safety eyewear and gloves are a good idea when handling any chemicals to avoid burns of any sort. You can also get protective clothing such as an apron or just an old shirt so you don’t ruin your clothes.
  • Clean Up Any Spills Immediately – Don’t leave chemicals out and sitting around. If they spill, clean them up immediately. Some chemicals can ruin your patio or the liner of your pool if applied in too heavy of a concentration. If they spill on your skin, follow the instructions for washing them off or call Poison Control.
  • Watch For Expiration Dates – Some chemicals have expiration dates. After that date, the chemical may start to act differently and may not do the job that you purchased it for. Check expiration dates often to make sure that the chemical is still viable.

Remember these safety tips when handling pool chemicals in order to stay safe. If you need help with your pool chemicals this summer, be sure to contact us. We can advise you on the best way to fix the water in your pool, or we can help you add in a better cleaning and filtration system. We can also replace damaged liners and remodel pools to function better. Give us a call today!
