A Pool Company In Phoenix That Says: Get Salty!

Since you were a little kid, you’ve been swimming in public and private swimming pools. And if there’s one thing that strikes a chord of memory it’s that smell that hits you as soon as you get close to the water: chlorine. It’s the thing that makes a pool, well, a pool!

Too Much Is Terrible

Chlorine keeps pools clean. It kills the majority of germs and bacteria that are brought into a pool by the many users who carry these microscopic passengers. Having too little chlorine in a pool can be catastrophic and can make people sick. But did you know that having too much chlorine in a pool can be just as damaging? When a pool is unbalanced and there is an abundance of chlorine, people can get sick. Symptoms of chlorine poisoning include:

  • Sudden onset of nausea and vomiting
  • Burning in throat
  • Itchy eyes
  • Difficulty in shallow breathing
  • Red skin
  • Dull chest pain

Though cases of chlorine poisoning are few and far between, they do happen every summer at public pools around the country. For those who have the pleasure of owning their own pool, over chlorination can still be a problem. Usually, pool owners will realize the mistake and remedy the situation before anyone has the opportunity to jump in.

Stop Playing The Chemical Game

If you’ve owned a pool for a long time, you might be getting tired of playing the chlorine game. The good news is, we are a pool company in Phoenix who has a solution to your chemical woes. It’s called salt chlorination and it’s taking the pool industry by storm. Though you might hear the word salt and imagine a smaller version of an over salted and briny ocean, it isn’t quite the same thing. Changing from a chemical chlorine pool to a salt water pool doesn’t mean that you’ll be pickled by the end of your swim, nor does it mean that the chlorine will be gone.

Same Benefits, But Better

Salt pools still use chlorine to aid in disinfection and sanitization; the chlorine just occurs naturally, without the use of adding anything extra. There’s no need to worry about too much or too little chlorine in your pool; it’s a continual flow that replenishes itself constantly at just the right levels. No matter how many people jump in the pool, you don’t need to make adjustments as the day goes on. Salt water pools provide a safe environment that is clean and clear without any of the side effects like itchy eyes or skin, lung irritation, or even the classic pool smell.

If this sounds like a little slice of heaven to you, call a pool company in Phoenix who can convert your chemical chlorine pool to a pool that relies on salt chlorination. At No Limit Pools & Saps, there’s no limit to what we can do for you!
