How To Achieve Desired Pool Water Color

Let Us Guide You to Achieving Your Desired Pool Water Color

Venture Magazine lists the top 10 swimming pools in the world. Each has a unique or exciting feature that will make you feel like diving in!

It might be the enormity of San Alfonso Del Mar’s 66-gallon pool. Or is it the breathtaking view from the Hanging Gardens suspended pool in Bali? Unfortunately, chances are you won’t be able to replicate either in your backyard.

But there are simpler things you can do to make as big an impact. Choosing your swimming pool water color is one of them.

Did you think there weren’t any other options other than blue? Read on to find out how pool plaster colors can create a new look for your pool.


Factors That Determine Pool Water Color

Pools traditionally have an aquamarine color. This is due to light interacting with the pool’s water.

Although white, sunlight embodies various colors of the spectrum. These include blue, red, and green.

The water molecules absorb the red light on the spectrum. This results in a more blue/green hue from the light reflected from the water. It’s one of the reasons the color of your pool may seem different on an overcast day.

The objects or colors around your pool may also affect the water’s color. Trees or tall structures make the water appear darker. Colorful objects around the pool will also reflect off of the water’s surface.

Deeper pools also appear darker, while shallower pools or spas usually seem lighter. Water features can also play a role in pool colors. The movement of the water due to fountains or waterfalls can vary the color hues of the pool while adding depth.

Want a little more control over the color of the water in your pool? Simply choose the appropriate pool plaster color.


How To Achieve Desired Pool Water Color

Plaster Color

Pool plaster is one of the main factors that determine the color of a pool’s water. Administering pool plaster is the last step needed to seal an inground concrete pool. It’s a mixture of cement, marble dust, and additives that ensure your pool is watertight.

It not only protects your pool, but can also enhance the look, feel, and color of it. The dye used in the plaster is key to producing the desired water color.

White, gray, or blue plaster, will make your pool water look blue. White plaster creates a sky blue hue. The lighter the gray and blue, your water will be a softer or lighter shade of blue.

Conversely the darker the blue or gray, the darker the shade of blue. Green, black, brown, or tan plaster makes the water look greener. For a grey pool color, use dark grey pool plaster.


How To Achieve Desired Pool Water Color

Choosing Swimming Pool Water Color

If you thought you were stuck with blue water for your pool, now you know you’re not. The key to choosing your swimming pool water color lies in the plaster. Depending on the pool plaster color you choose, your pool’s water can be light or dark blue, green or even gray.

There are a variety of pool plaster colors to choose from. If the options seem too overwhelming, let an experienced pool company guide you.

No Limit Pools can. We can guide you in every aspect of pool installation or renovation. Contact us today to learn more!

We are a top pool builder serving Maricopa County and the surrounding counties. We continue year after year to be rated at the top among the best pool builders in Arizona and would love for you to join our long list of happy pool owners. Feel free to read our reviews and check out our extensive portfolio of work we have done.

